Monday, January 12, 2015

Be Brave

Closing your eyes isn't going to change anything. Nothing's going to disappear just because you can't see what's going on. In fact, things will even be worse the next time you open your eyes.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.

Friday, December 19, 2014

"We were grabbing a bite of lunch at a small cafe, in a mall, right across from a booth that sold jewelry and where ears could be pierced for a fee. A mother approaches with a little girl of six or seven years old. The little girl is clearly stating that she doesn’t want her ears pierced, that’s she’s afraid of how much it will hurt, that she doesn’t like earrings much in the first place. Her protests, her clear ‘no’ is simply not heard. The mother and two other women, who work the booth, begin chatting and trying to engage the little girl in picking out a pair of earrings. She has to wear a particular kind when the piercing is first done but she could pick out a fun pair for later.

'I don’t want my ears pierced.'

'I don’t want any earrings.'

The three adults glance at each other conspiratorially and now the pressure really begins. She will look so nice, all the other girls she knows wear earrings, the pain isn’t bad.

She, the child, sees what’s coming and starts crying. As the adults up the volume so does she, she’s crying and emitting a low wail at the same time. 'I DON’T WANT MY EARS PIERCED.'

Her mother leans down and speaks to her, quietly but strongly, the only words we could hear were ‘… embarrassing me.’

We heard, then, two small screams, when the ears were pierced.

Little children learn early and often that ‘no doesn’t mean no.’

Little children learn early that no one will stand with them, even the two old men looking horrified at the events from the cafeteria.

Little girls learn early and often that their will is not their own.

No means no, yeah, right.

Most often, for kids and others without power, 'no means force.'"

—No Means Force, by Dave Hingsburger

yet this is not only applicable to little girls and children. 
it relates to the marginalized in general; our NOs are often discarded as empty rebelliousness, frivolous complaints, or that we don't get what's going on nor understand our own discomfort. when "no means force," we become afraid to say no.


"When thinking about life remember this; no amount of guilt can solve the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future."


You know what they say about living well as the best revenge. I did well because it was the one defense I had. Escape has been the motivating force in my life. Getting away from him, getting away from her, putting that household behind me. The funny thing is, I haven't moved an inch, and the harder I run, the faster I keep slipping back to them. There are spiders that work like that. They bury themselves and create a little pocket of loose dirt. Then when their prey comes along, the soil gives way and the victim slides right down into trap. There are laws for everything except the harm families do.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


The Buddhist say if you meet somebody and your heart pounds, your hands shake, your knees go weak, that's not the one. When you meet your 'soulmate'  you'll feel calm. No anxiety, no agitation.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Find your wings

Time is going by soooo fast and before you know it you're gonna be on your deathbed telling stories about how much you sucked and how you regret not living the life you wanted to live, loving the people you wanted to love, taking the chances you wanted to take. There are no rules, Fuck the rules. Go. Find  your wings and I'm still flying and I will never, Ever land.

I just realized I'm on a vacation for no reason., this is crazy, I've dreamed of this, how did I get this far?
Oh yeah, by trusting myself and not following that path my mom wanted me to go, and surround myself with other people t hat wanted more out of life and trust my wild ideas, and I put my art out and poeple liked it and trusted me, and now I'm here.

Love you, today I want you to find your wings.