Monday, December 15, 2014

Find your wings

Time is going by soooo fast and before you know it you're gonna be on your deathbed telling stories about how much you sucked and how you regret not living the life you wanted to live, loving the people you wanted to love, taking the chances you wanted to take. There are no rules, Fuck the rules. Go. Find  your wings and I'm still flying and I will never, Ever land.

I just realized I'm on a vacation for no reason., this is crazy, I've dreamed of this, how did I get this far?
Oh yeah, by trusting myself and not following that path my mom wanted me to go, and surround myself with other people t hat wanted more out of life and trust my wild ideas, and I put my art out and poeple liked it and trusted me, and now I'm here.

Love you, today I want you to find your wings.

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